Bruno Mangyoku


Gordon & MacPhail

Gordon & MacPhail

Gordon & MacPhail

The telegraph magazine

Le Un des libraires

The Mandalorian

Boston Globe

Onward Magazine

Onward Magazine



Near the National Gallery, London

Believer magazine

The believer mag

On Location

On Location

Mr Porter

Mr Saturday Night / The New Yorker

Breakthrough magazine

La présidence Macron sous enquêtes

La présidence Macron sous enquêtes

La présidence Macron sous enquêtes

Bloomberg special report

Midi Minuit / Maison Tangible

Standart Magazine





Mr Porter Journal


Les Echos Start

Assemble with care

Assemble with care

Obos Bladet

Pôle Emploi / Hopscotch

World Cannabis Congress

World Cannabis Congress

World Cannabis Congress

World Cannabis Congress

World Cannabis Congress

World Cannabis Congress

Le Monde

Le Monde

Le Monde







New Scientist

The Guardian

Fringe Festival

Mr Porter

Mr Porter

Mr Porter

Mr Porter



The daring escape

The daring escape





De Volkskrant

Singapore Airlines








Red Bull / Blackmeal



Ris Orangis / 4 Aout



Dada magazine

Dada magazine

Dada magazine

Dada magazine

Dada magazine





J'aime lire

J'aime lire


Les Echos

Hot Minutes

Hot Minutes

Hot Minutes

Hot Minutes

Hot Minutes

Hot Minutes








FM Magazine

Usbek & Rica

Usbek & Rica

Usbek & Rica

Paris Worldwide

Land securities

Intelligent Manufacturing


Saint Gobain




The New Scientist

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for Gordon & MacPhail, depicting their historic distilleries.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for Gordon & MacPhail, depicting their historic distilleries.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for Gordon & MacPhail, depicting their historic distilleries.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for the cover of Telegraph magazine.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for Le Un des libraires newspaper.

Illustration for The Mandalorian by Bruno Mangyoku.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for The Boston Globe.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for Onward Magazine.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for Onward Magazine.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for Martini.

Illustrations by Bruno Mangyoku , concept for a short film.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for Believer Magazine.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for The Believer magazine.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for the On Location Paris 2024 campaign.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for the On Location Paris 2024 campaign.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for The New Yorker magazine.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for the cover of Breakthrough magazine.

Illustrations by Bruno Mangyoku for his first comic book, La présidence Macron sous enquêtes, in collaboration with La Revue Dessinée and Mediapart.

Illustrations by Bruno Mangyoku for his first comic book, La présidence Macron sous enquêtes, in collaboration with La Revue Dessinée and Mediapart.

Illustrations by Bruno Mangyoku for his first comic book, La présidence Macron sous enquêtes, in collaboration with La Revue Dessinée and Mediapart.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for Bloomberg.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for the Midi Minuit exhibition at Maison Tangible.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for Standart Magazine.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for Compendium.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for Smartread magazine.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for Smartread magazine.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for Smartread magazine.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for Mr Porter Journal.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for the cover of a special issue of Première magazine.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for Les Echos Start.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for Assemble with care by Ustwo Games.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for Assemble with care by Ustwo Games.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for Obos Bladet magazine.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for the Pôle Emploi annual report.

Series of illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for the 2019 World Cannabis Congress in Canada.

Series of illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for the 2019 World Cannabis Congress in Canada.

Series of illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for the 2019 World Cannabis Congress in Canada.

Series of illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for the 2019 World Cannabis Congress in Canada.

Series of illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for the 2019 World Cannabis Congress in Canada.

Series of illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for the 2019 World Cannabis Congress in Canada.

Series of illustrations by Bruno Mangyoku for le Monde, about the emergence of the video-game industry in the USSR.

Series of illustrations by Bruno Mangyoku for le Monde, about the emergence of the video-game industry in the USSR.

Series of illustrations by Bruno Mangyoku for le Monde, about the emergence of the video-game industry in the USSR.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for an article on the online journalism platform Medium.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for a WeWork ad.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for Toyota / The&Partnership.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for the French accounting firm Becouze.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for the French accounting firm Becouze.

Illustrations by Bruno Mangyoku for the Telegraph.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for the French accounting firm Becouze.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for New Scientist magazine.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for GQ magazine.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoky for the Guardian magazine.

Poster by Bruno Mangyoku for the Fringe arts festival.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for the Mr. Porter.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for the Mr. Porter.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for the Mr. Porter.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for the Mr. Porter.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku on Groucho Marx for Roland Garros magazine.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for the 180 app.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for The Daring Escape magazine.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for The Daring Escape magazine.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for The Daring Escape magazine.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for America magazine.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoky for the Guardian magazine.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for America magazine.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for America magazine.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for De Volkstrankt magazine.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for Singapore Airlines magazine.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for Libération, the daily newspaper.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for Libération's streaming content.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for Libération's streaming content.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for Enedis magazine.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for Enedis magazine.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for a festival organized by Axe.

Cover illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for Otherwise magazine.

Animation by Bruno Mangyoku for the Red Bull Music Festival.

Illustraiton by Bruno Mangyoku for Otherwise magazine.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku on el día de los Muertos for Citrus magazine.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for the town of Ris Orangis.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for an HP campaign.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for L'Officiel magazine.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for Dada magazine.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for Dada magazine.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for Dada magazine.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for Dada magazine.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for Dada magazine.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for a Loop/KPMG digital campaign directed by TBWA.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for a Loop/KPMG digital campaign directed by TBWA.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for the Magnum tv show on Arte.

Illustration cover by Bruno Mangyoku for Honoré de Balzac's novel "Le Colonel Chabert", published by Flammarion.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for J'aime Lire magazine.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for J'aime Lire magazine.

Illustration cover by Bruno Mangyoku for Louise Long's first novel, "L'heure des comptes", published by Flammarion.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for Les Échos magazine.

Illustrated postcard series by Bruno Mangyoku published by Talkie Walkie agency.

Illustrated postcard series by Bruno Mangyoku published by Talkie Walkie agency.

Illustrated postcard series by Bruno Mangyoku published by Talkie Walkie agency.

Illustrated postcard series by Bruno Mangyoku published by Talkie Walkie agency.

Illustrated postcard series by Bruno Mangyoku published by Talkie Walkie agency.

Illustrated postcard series by Bruno Mangyoku published by Talkie Walkie agency.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for XXI magazine.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for XXI magazine.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for XXI magazine.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for AD magazine.

Animation by Bruno Mangyoku for a Cultura digital campain.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for Télérama magazine.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for Télérama magazine.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for FM magazine.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for Usbek & Rica magazine.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for Usbek & Rica magazine.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for Usbek & Rica magazine.

Cover illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for Paris Worldwide magazine.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for Land Securities.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for Intelligent Manufacturing.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for M3 magazine.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for Saint Gobain.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for Néon magazine.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for Têtu magazine.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for Têtu magazine.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for Play magazine.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for Play magazine.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for Play magazine.

Illustration by Bruno Mangyoku for New Scientist magazine.

Illustration series by Bruno Mangyoku for Monocle magazine.
